One thing all Niqabis can relate to is the problems we encounter when dining out. To be frank, I find it fairly easy to eat with my Niqab on. The problem, however, arises when I attempt to eat an ice cream. I can stuff an entire sandwich with my Niqab on, but for some reason, I'm incredibly clumsy when it comes to ice cream. Only natural I suppose... Anyway, being a huge ice cream fan, I've tried so hard to enjoy my ice cream without splattering it all over my Niqab, and yesterday, for the first time in my nearly 9 years of wearing the Niqab, I managed to eat my ice cream sundae without a drop of it on my Niqab! Yaay, Alhamdulillah :D

I went out for a bit of shopping yesterday with my mother and aunt and after shopping around for well over an hour (with the temperature outside being over a 32 degrees too), decided to stop by at a stall for a sundae. I chose a chocolate sundae and sat down to eat it. Generally, no sooner have I started on the ice cream, I'd splatter it either down my Abaya or on the Niqab. And when it's on the Niqab, I hopelessly dab the ice cream splotches with the tissue, which in turn, brings on a huge white smear across the front of the Niqab. It's actually rather embarrassing to walk around with my Niqab stained all down the front.

So yesterday, I tried out on a new technique. I usually lift the Niqab from the front ever so slightly to get the spoon of ice cream into my mouth, but what I've found is that lifting the Niqab from the front doesn't work out all that gracefully. What you need to do is lift it from a side and hold the spoon of ice cream slightly downwards so even if any of it spills down, it wouldn't be on the Niqab. I was happily digging into my ice cream when I stole a glance at my mother and aunt, both of whom had spilled a generous portion of their ice cream sundae on their Niqabs and were now dabbing at it furiously with their tissues. Successful at completing an entire ice cream sundae without so much as a drop on my Niqab, I ate another half portion too! It was delicious by the way. Alhamdulillah!

On returning home, I proudly told my sisters my 'How to eat an ice cream without smearing it all over the Niqab' tutorial and my younger sister gave me a ''That's so obvious" look. Oh well, I suppose it is but it has taken me over eight years to figure it out and if there are any Niqabis reading this who are as slow as I am, hope you benefit from this tutorial ;) In sha Allah!

P.S : Any more tips from Niqabis would be greatly appreciated. I could do with some tricks!

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