I'll just break right in to it- it's a terrible time to be living in. Islamophobia is just getting out of control and the news has been just so shocking.

For one, 3 young Muslims were asked to get off a plane and were questioned for about one hour just because they had Arabic text on their phones! Then there was this pre schooler who mispronounced cucumber as "cooker bomb" threatened with counter terrorism. A child for god's sake who hardly knows to even pronounce words yet! What's the world coming to? Oh and just so if you don't believe all these, you can check the news here:


Then of course, the trending news on social media about French officials who demanded a woman to remove her burkini in the beach. 

And oh dear, the hate comments on Twitter, Facebook, etc. There was this time when I used to get all riled up when someone insulted me on Twitter but it has become such a norm that I've gotten so used to it. If there's one thing I've learnt, it's that people who talk utterly disrespectfully, then no amount of talking, showing proof and resources, nothing at all is going to change them. There's only one way to deal with hate and that's what the Quran teaches us. In these times where Islamophobia is hitting an all-time high, this is a great time for us to show the world the real beauty of Islam and the message of peace. 
And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily, and when the ignorant address them [harshly], they say [words of] peace - Quran 25:63
I know that sometimes when the insults get too much to bear, you might want to vent your anger out but know that people judge Islam by Muslims so if you speak harshly, that's how they are going to label the entire religion as a whole. It's not a personal matter of letting your anger out. Look at the bigger picture- if you do so, you're tarnishing the name of Islam itself.

So how do you deal with all the hate and insults? 

"You will surely be tested in your possessions and in yourselves. And you will surely hear from those who were given the Scripture before you and from those who associate others with Allah much abuse. But if you are patient and fear Allah - indeed, that is of the matters [worthy] of determination" - Quran 3:186

It's amazing how perfectly Allah has arranged this verse. It's a reality- all of us will be tested at some point and all of us will have to deal with Islamophobia. Sometimes from our own families and friends and that can be unbearably hurtful. So how can we deal with it?
Allah says it most beautifully in just 2 words: Sabr and Taqwa. The abuse and hurtful comments are really difficult and sometimes, all we want to do is scream but at this time, we have to be patient, no matter how tough it may be. Swallow up your anger, bite down on your frustration and be patient for the sake of Allah. 
The next is Taqwa. We cannot exercise Sabr if we don't have Taqwa because if there's one thing that can force us to be patient, it's the fear of Allah.
Remember that even the Prophets weren't spared of this. They were hurt on the basis of Deen so be patient over all this and fear Allah in how to react or respond to hurtful comments; otherwise, we will end up being the oppressor.
Secondly, stop going for debates. If someone asks a question decently, respond decently. Otherwise, just ignore them because in most cases, talking will do no good. And no matter how hard it may seem at that time, make silent Duaa to Allah to guide that person to Islam. If Umar Radhiyallahu anhu who came to kill Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu alaihi wasallam could become such a devout supporter of the Prophet, then surely guiding anyone, no matter how wrong they are is easy for Allah.
And while I'm at it, just because of a few shallow minded Islamophobes, don't generalize everyone. There are so many wonderful people out there as well. Treat everyone well because what Islamophobes say and insult, it's a sin they should bear and if you insult them in the same way, what difference is there between us and them?

"And not equal are the good deed and the bad. Repel [evil] by that [deed] which is better; and thereupon the one whom between you and him is enmity [will become] as though he was a devoted friend." [Al Quran 41: 34]

I know, this is really difficult sometimes but you know what? It's a test. A test of your Imaan, your character and your values.

Next time you are entangled in an Islamophobic mess, you'll know how to come out of it, In sha Allah, and inspire many people along the way as well.

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