FROM THE SAHABA (Radhiallaahu �nhum)

Ibn Jarir (Rahimahullah) with an authentic chain of narrators has quoted Ibn Abbaas' (Radhiallaahu �n) opinion was "that the Muslim women are ordered to cover their head and faces with outer garments except for one eye." (This is quoted in the Ma'riful Qur'an in the tafseer of Surah Ahzaab ayah # 33, with reference of Ibn Jarir with a sahih chain of narrators).  
The Tabiee Ali Bin Abu Talha explained that this was the last opinion of Ibn Abbas and the other opinions quoted from him were from before Surah Al-Ahzaab, Verse #59 and the order of  the "Jalabib".  Shaikh Ibn Uthaimin commented on this saying of Ibn Abbaas (Radhiallaahu �nhu) by saying "This statement is "Marfoo" and in shariah that is the same category as a hadith which is narrated directly from Rasulullah (Sallallaahu �layhi Wasallam). The quote of Ibn Abbas is quoted by many tabi'een like Ali Ibn Abu Talha and Ibn Jarir in Ma'riful Quran by Mufti Muhammad Shafi vol.7 pg.217 and also in Tafseer Ibn Jarir, Vol. 22, pg.29 and also by Imaam Qurtabi all with SAHIH Chains and explained in the book "Hijaab" by Ibn Uthaimin, Page # 9 and authenticated in the book "Hijaab wa Safur"by Shaikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah) on page #11 and by Shaikh AbdulAziz bin Bazz  (Rahimahullah) on page # 55 and 60 )

Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud (Radhiallaahu �nhu) Who was known as the most knowledgeable Sahabi in matters of Shariah. Umar Ibn Khattab (Radhiallaahu �nhu) said about him "By Allah, I don't know of any person who is more qualified in the matters dealing with the Quran than Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud"Explained, the word Jilbaab (as mentioned in the Quran Surah Ahzaab ayah # 59 ) to mean a cloak which covers the entire body including the head, face and hands. (Quoted from Ibn Taymiyyah(Rahimahullah) in his book on fatwaas Page# 110 Vol # 2 and By Shaikh Ibn Uthamin in the book Hijaab Page # 15)

Aisha (Radhiallaahu �nha)
Stated that in verse 30 and 31 of Surah An Nur "What has been allowed to be shown is the hands, bangles and rings but the face must be covered.
(Quoted by Shaikh Abdul A'la Maududi in the book Purdah P# 195 and in his Tafseer of Quran under the tafseer of Surah An Nur)

Abu Ubaidah Salmani (Radhiallaahu �nhu), another well known Sahabi is quoted saying 
"Jilbaab should fully cover the women's body, so that nothing appears but one eye with which she can see." (Tafseer Al-Qurtubi) And In the time of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu �layhi Wasallam) "The women used to don their cloaks (Jilbaabs) over their heads in such a manner that only the eyes were revealed in order to see the road." (The Book "Hijaab" page # 9)

Ubaida bin Abu Sufyan bin al-Harith('Radhiallaahu �nhu' An' Other well known and knowledgeable Companion of Rasulullah ) Imam Muhammad bin Sirin (Rahimahullah) One of the most knowledgeable tabi'een) said "When I asked Ubaida bin Sufyan bin al-Harith ('Radhiallaahu An') how the jalbaab was to be worn, he demonstrated it to me by pulling a sheet of cloth over his head to cover his entire body, leaving the left eye uncovered. This was also the explanation of the word 'Alaihinna in this verse"  (Commentary by Ibn Jarir and Ahkam-ul-Quran, Vol.3, p.457 also in "hijaab wa Safur" quoted by Shaikh AbdulAziz Bin Bazz under the chapter of his fatwaa on hijab on page #54)


Hassan Al Basri (Rahimahullah) 
States in his tafseer of the Surah An-Nur,  "What a woman is allowed to show in this Ayah implies to those outer garments (not the face or hands) which the woman puts on to cover her internal decoration (her beauty).
(Quoted in the book "Purdah" P#194 )

Ibn Jarir (Rahimahullah) Quotes the opinion of  Ibn �bbaas (Radhiallaahu �nhu)
"Allah has enjoined upon all Muslim Women that when they go out of their homes under necessity, they should cover their faces by drawing a part of their outer garments over their heads." (Tafseer Ibn Jarir, VOL 22, pg.29)

The Tabi'ee, Qatadah (Rahimahullah)
Stated that the Jilbab should be wrapped and fixed from above the forehead and made to cover the nose, (although the eyes are to show) and the chest and most of the face are to be covered.

The Tabi'ee Ali bin Abu Talha (Rahimahullah)
Quotes from Ibn Abbaas (Radhiallaahu �nhu) that he used to say it was allowed to show the hands and face when Surah Nur ayah #31 was revealed but after Surah Al-Ahzaab, Verse #59 with the word "Jalabib" was revealed then after this  Ibn Abbaas (Radhiallaahu �nhu) said that That the Muslim women are ordered to cover their head and faces with outer garments except for one eye."  And this was also the opinion of Ibn Mas'ud (Radhiallaahu �nhu). (This is quoted by Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah) in his book of fatwaa and by Shaikh AbdulAziz Bin Bazz (Rahimahullah) in the book "Hijaab wa Safur" Page # 60)

Imam Muhammad bin Sirin (Rahimahullah) One of the most knowledgeable tabi'een
"When I asked Ubaida bin Sufyan bin al-Harith ('Radhiallaahu �nhu' Other well known and knowledgeable Companion of Rasulullah) the meaning of this verse about "Alaihinna" and how the jalbaab was to be worn, he demonstrated it to me by pulling a sheet of cloth over his head to cover his entire body, leaving the left eye uncovered. This was also the explanation of the word 'Alaihinna in this verse"(Commentary by Ibn Jarir and Ahkam-ul-Quran, Vol # 3, p.457 also in "hijaab wa Sufor" quoted by Shaikh AbdulAziz Bin Bazz under the chapter of his fatwaa on hijab on page #54)


The Mufassir, Imaam Al-Qurtubi (Rahimahullah),

Cites in his Tafseer of the Ayah on Jilbaab (Al-Ahzab 33:59), that the Jilbaab is: "a cloth which covers the entire body... Ibn 'Abbaas (Radhiallaahu �nhu) and 'Ubaidah As-Salmaani (Radhiallaahu �nhu) said that it is to be fully wrapped around the women's body, so that nothing appears but one eye with which she can see." (Tafseer Al-Qurtubi Surah Al-Ahzab ayah # 59.  This was also agreed upon by Imam WahidiImam Neishapuri in the book of tafseer of Quran "Gharaib -ul-Quran" and "Ahkam-ul-Quran", Imam Razi, in his tafseer of Surah Azhab in the book "Tafsir-i-Kabir"Imam Baidavi in his tafseer of Quran "Tafsir-i-Baidavi" and by Abu Hayyan in "Al-Bahr-ul-Muhit" and by Ibn Sa'd Muhammad bin Ka'b Kuradhi and they have all descirbed the use of jalbaab more or less in the SAME way as the two described by Ibn Abbas (Radhiallaahu �nhu).)

Also from Imaam Qurtubi (Rahimahullah) in his Al-Jamia li Ahkaamul Qur�n states: "All women are in effect covered by the terms of the verse which embraces the Shar�e principle that the whole of a woman is ��wrah� (to be concealed) � her face, body and voice, as mentioned previously. It is not permissible to expose those parts except in the case of need, such as the giving of evidence�" ("Al-Jamia li Ahkaamul Qur�n")

At-Tabari and Ibn Al-Mundhir described the method of wearing the jalbaab according to Ibn Abbas (Radhiallaahu �nhu) and Qatadah(Radhiallaahu �nhu). The sheet should be wrapped around from the top, covering the forehead, then bringing one side of the sheet to cover the face below the eyes so that most of the face and the upper body is covered. This will leave both eyes uncovered (which is allowed in necessity).(Rul-ul-Ma'ani, Vol 22, p.89)

Ibn Kathir (Rahimahullah) said...
"Women must not display any part of their beauty and charms to strangers except what cannot possibly be concealed." (Quoted by Mufti Ibrahim Desi in his article on hijaab)

Maoulana Abul A'la Maududi (Rahimahullah) In his tafseer of Surah Azhab ayah #59
"In verse 59 the third step for social reform was taken. All the Muslim women were commanded that they should come out well covered with the outer garments and covering their faces whenever they came out of their houses for a genuine need." (From Tasfeer of Quran by Maoulana Abul A'la Maududi in tafseer of ayah # 59 of Surah Al-Ahzaab)

From the 4 Madhabib (4 madhabs).......

Mufti Anwar Ali Adam Al Mazahiri (Mufti A'azam (Head Mufti) of Madrasa Madinatil Uloom Trinidad & Tobago.)
"Imam Shafi, Malik and Hanbal hold the view that niqaab (covering the face and the hands completely with only a small area for the eyes to see) as being compulsory (fard).  Imam Abu Hanifa says that niqaab is Wajib and the face and hands can be exposed provided that there is not fear of desire if one looks at the female face, otherwise if there is the slightest chance of desire developing in the looker (the meaning of desire is that the looker would see the female face and think that she is beautiful, sexual thaught is not what is meant) then exposing the face and hands is Haraam.
(This is from the fatwaa issued by  Mufti Anwar Ali Adam Al Mazahiri on 13/9/99. 

He derived the opnions of the 4 Imaams  from these sources Tafseer Ibn KatheerTafseer Ma'rifatul Qur'aanDurre MuhtaarFatawa ShamiAl MabsootFathul Qadeer. And the opinion of Imaam Abu hanifah is a directly derived from his statements in the Famous book of hanafi Fiqh Fatwaa Shami)

Shaikh AbdulAziz Bin Bazz (One of the greatest scholars of our times. He passed away 26th of Muharram 1420 Hijrah. (12th of May 1999) Rahimahullah.  He belonged to the Hanbali School of jurisprudence.)
"It is compulsory for a woman to cover her face in front of non mahram men" (This has been quoted in Shaikh Bin Bazz's pamphlet on Hijab and in the book 'Islamic Fatwas regarding Women' and in the Arabic version of the book "hijaab Wa Safur" page #51)

Shaikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah)
Relates that the correct opinion for the Hanbali and Malki madhaib is that is is wajib to cover everything except one or two eyes to see the way.
(from the Arabic book "Hijaab wa Safur" under the fatwaa of Ibn Taymiyyah on hijaab, page # 10)

Shaikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
Quotes All of the woman is awrah based on the hadith of "Rasulullah (Sallallaahu �layhi Wasallam) said �All of a woman is �awrah.� (Narrated by Tirmidhi with a sahih isnaad).This is the correct view according to the madhhab of the Hanbalis, one of the two views of the Maalikis and one of the two views of the Shaafa�is. (Quoted in his book of fatwaa and on his web site)

Jamiatul Ulama Junbi Africa stated that the proper opinion for the Hanafi madhab is that  "A woman must be properly and thoroughly covered in a loose outer cloak which totally conceals her entire body including her face!"
(This from the book Islamic Hijab by Jamiatul Ulama P.12)

Mufti-e-Azam Rasheed Ahmad Ludhyanvi (Rahimahullah, one of the head Muftis of the  hanafi Madhab of his time This opinion is taken to be the correct opinion of the hanafi madhab today)
Explained in his tafseer of Surah Al-Ahzaab, Verse #59.  "Allah Ta'ala is telling them that whenever out of necessity they have togo out, they should cover themselves with a large cloak and draw a corner of it over their faces so that they may not be recognised.
(From his article "A Detailed, analytical review on the Shar'ee hijab")

From the known and respect authentic Ullima.......

Ibn Al-Hazam (Rahimahullah)
"In arabic language, the language of the Prophet (saw), the word jilbaab (as mentioned in the Quran Surah Ahzaab ayah # 59) means the outer sheet which covers the entire body. A sheet smaller than that which would cover the entire body, cannot be catagrized as jilbaab. (Al-Muhallah, Vol 3. Pg 217)

Ibn Al-Mandhur (Rahimahullah)
"Jalabib is plural for Jilbaab. Jalbaab is actually the outer sheet/coverlet which a woman wraps around, on top of her garments to cover herself from head to toe. This covers the body entirely." (Lisan ul-Arab, VOL 1. Pg.273)

Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalanee (Rahimahullah)

A tradition reported on the authority of Aisha (Radhiallaahu �nha) says: "A woman in a state of Ihram (during Hajj and Umrah) should stretch her head cloth over to her face to hide it." (In Fathul Bari, chapter on Hajj)

Shaikh-ul-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah) relates:
"Women used to room about without Cloaks (Jilbaabs) and men used to see their faces and hands, but when the verse stating 'O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks over themselves.' (Surah Al-Ahzaab,Verse #59)was reveled, then this was prohibited and women were ordered to wear the Jilbaab.  Then Ibn Tayimiyyah goes on to say "The word Jilbaab means a sheet which Ibn Mas'ud (Radhiallaahu �nhu) explained as a cloak covering the entire body including the head,  face and hands.  Therefore, it is not permissible for the women to reveal the face and hands in public. (Ibn Taymiyyah's book on fatwaas Page# 110 Vol # 2 also in the book Hijaab Page # 15)

Shaikh AbdulAziz Bin Bazz (Rahimahullah)
"According to the understanding of the best generations (the "Salaf") after the ayah of hijaab was revealed than Muslims women must cover everything including the face and hands.  they can show one eye or two eyes to see the way.  this was the opnion held by many of the sahaba like Ibn Abbaas, Ibn Masud, Aisha (Radhiallaahu �nhuma) and others and this opnion was upheald by the Tab'ieen who followed than as Ali bin Abi Talha and Muhammad bin Sirin (Rahimahullah) and by the ritious ullima who followed them as Ibn Taymiyyah and Imaam Ahmed bin Hanbal (Rahimahullah)"  (Quoted from the book "hijaab wa Sufor")

Shaikh Abubakar Jassas (Rahimahullah)
states "This verse of Surah Ahzab shows that the young women when going out of their homes are ordered to cover their faces from strangers (non-mahram men), and cover herself up in such a manner that may express modesty and chastity, so that people with evil intentions might not cherish hopes from her". (Ahkum Al-Quran, VOL. III, p.48)

Imaam Ghazaali (Rahimahullah) "Woman emerged (during the time of Rasulullah (Sallallaahu �layhi Wasallam)with NIQAABS on their Faces" (From his famous book of Fiqh "Ihyaal Uloom")

Qazi Al-Baidavi (Rahimahullah)
"To let down over them a part of their outer garments" means that they should draw a part of their outer garment in front of their face and cover themselves" (Tafsir-I-Baidavi, Vol 4, p.168)

Wallahu 'Alam

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