I know that a lot of people believe that wearing the Niqab is difficult. Yeah, it might be difficult, but it's a struggle and it's a kind of Jihad. As Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wasallam said:

"The best Jihad is for one to perform Jihad against his own self and against his desires."

But everything difficult gives us a valuable price, and in the case of my Niqab, it has given me not one or two, but countless blessings, Subhanallah! When I say I'm proud, blessed and honoured to be a Niqabi, Wallah I really mean it. 

We all know that lowering the gaze it tough. A lot of people have told me that it's probably easier to look at non-mahrams while wearing the Niqab, but this is not true. Staring at a non-mahram man from beneath my Niqab would make me feel like a terrible hypocrite, so MashaAllah, with Allah's Help, lowering the gaze has become a lot easier. 
(For those who are finding it difficult to lower their gaze, you might want to read our post on How Tough Is It To Lower Our Gaze)

Wearing the Niqab might seem more like an outward thing, but Subhanallah, it really affects not only our physical being, but our spiritual and mental attitude as well. The Niqab has helped me to become more independent. I know that no one's judgement will affect me but Allah's. I know that if I am able to please Him, that's victory enough!

With my Niqab, I can step outside, knowing fully well that I'm covered just the way I'm supposed to be. And knowing that I'm doing something the wives and daughters of Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wasallam and the Sahabi women did... Subhanallah! It's really a privilege. 

I can safely say that Alhamdulillah, I've a lot more courage and confidence now than ever before because my Niqab has taught me that what it is to be a real modest Muslimah. Nothing anyone thinks or says can affect me, because I know that while Niqab-haters keep claiming that the Niqab has imprisoned me, they are clearly blinded by their own imprisonment and prejudice. May Allah guide them all.

Now I can say, knowing deep in my heart that I'm a Muslimah, dependent on no one but Allah, caring for no one's words but Allah's and my beloved Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wasallam's, caring for no one's opinions but Allah's and caring for no one's pleasure but Allah's. I can safely say that I'm a Muslimah- proud, honoured and blessed!

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