Sisters, I know it might hard for you to cover up sometimes, particularly when you see magazines splashed with pictures of glamorous models and make-up accessories, fashion, etc. Being a sister, I know that you sometimes may feel so out of the world when you're clad in the Hijab and Niqab, particularly when you're out, and when every other sister is dressed up in jeans, T-shirts, with their hair showing and their faces caked up with make-up. I know it might be weird, but you know what? People might call you a weirdo, but you're nothing like that. You're just unique. Specially unique in fact, because when nearly every other girl chooses to wear according to the latest fashion trend, you stick with what pleases your Lord the most.
Do people call you 'uncool', 'weird' or 'strange' when wearing the Hijab/ Niqab and practicing your Deen? Just keep this Hadith in mind:
"Islam started as something strange and it would revert to its (old position) of being strange. So good tidings for the strangers.
(Sahih Muslim, Book 1 : Hadith 270)
Remember my dear sisters, not everyone can muster the strength to do this. If you're all covered up, it means you're strong- much, much stronger that they can ever perceive! And why is that? Because you have chosen pleasing Allah over fashion. You have chosen pleasing Allah over pleasing your peers. You have chosen Allah over pleasing your own self. When others choose to please the world, you choose to please the Creator. If that isn't bravery, I really don't know what else could be....When you cover up for the sake of Allah, that in itself makes you a million times more beautiful that anyone else. Just read this verse in the Quran (3: 106)
"The Day will come when some faces will be brightened (with joy), while other faces will be darkened (with misery). As for those whose faces are darkened, they will be asked, "Did you not disbelieve after believing? Therefore, suffer the retribution for your disbelief."
Tell me now sisters, would you rather displease your Lord in this world and risk the amazing prospect of Jannah, or please your Lord and be among those who are the inmates of Jannah- where the pleasures are such that no eyes would have seen, no ears would have heard and no imagination can ever comprehend. Subhanallah!
Imagine your beauty on the Day of Judgement my dear sisters, when your faces will be dazzling with Noor, radiant and beautiful- much more beautiful that the heavenly damsels of Jannah, the Hoor-ul-Ayn! You'll realize then that this world, all the demands of fashion, the beautiful clothes and pleasing others at the cost of displeasing Allah, really wasn't worth it.
So stay strong my dear sisters! Allah loves you the way you are and you're beautiful for Him. And isn't that all that ever matters to us? He is proud of you, and so are all of we! I love you all for the sake of Allah!
"But you prefer the worldly life, while the Hereafter is better and more enduring" -Al Quran (87: 16)
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